Ottawa New Homes Listing

This is a comprehensive listing of all new construction homes and condos built by the major Ottawa home builders.  It includes about 95% of the new homes market, all in one place and in one simple format for easy comparisons!

You can view community maps, aerial and street views, neighbourhood crime statistics and link to home builder's websites, videos and social media.

You can also compare builder reputation through links to reliability information compiled by authoritative sources such as Tarion, the Better Business Bureau and local news media.

Current Communities ( 70 )

Community Type Area Map Crime Builder
460 St Laurent Condos, medium-rise, near Montreal Road East Brigil
Avalon Singles, Townhomes and Condo Terrace Homes in Orleans East Minto
Baseline Condos, medium-rise, near Queensway-Carleton Hospital West Brigil
Blackstone Singles, Townhomes and Condos in Kanata South West Cardel
Bradley Commons Singles, Townhomes and Bungalows, ENERGY STAR Certified, near Stittsville West Urbandale
Bridlewood Trails Singles, Townhomes and Flats in Kanata West Claridge
Brookline Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Minto
Callahan Estates Singles, Bungalows, Semis and Townhomes in Arnprior Arnprior Campanale
Cardinal Creek Village Singles, Semis, Townhomes and Bungalows in Orleans East East Tamarack
Champlain Low-rise condos and apartments in Aylmer East Aylmer Brigil
Clarence Crossing Bungalows & Award-Winning Condos surrounded by nature in Rockland East eQ Homes
Cowan's Grove Singles, Townhomes and Bungalows near Leitrim South Urbandale
Creekside Singles and Bungalows on large lots in the village of Richmond Richmond Cardel
Diamondview Estates Singles and Bungalows on estate lots near Carp Carp Phoenix
Domaine du Vieux Port Singles and Bungalows on the river in Hull Hull Brigil
Edenwylde Singles, Semis, and Bungalows near Stittsville West Tamarack
Embrun Central Singles and Townhomes nestled in the heart of Embrun South-East eQ Homes
eQuinelle Bungalows, Townhomes & Singles in a Country Golf Course Community Kemptville eQ Homes
Findlay Creek Singles, bungalows, Semis and low-rise Condos near Leitrim South Tamarack
Flagstaff Singles and Townhomes near Old Barrhaven South-West Glenview
Fox Run Townhomes, Singles and Bungalows in Richmond Richmond Caivan  Metric
Greystone Village Singles, Towns & Condos in Old Ottawa East, overlooking the Rideau River Central eQ Homes
Half Moon Bay Attached Townhomes in Barrhaven South South-West Mattamy
Havre Lucerne Condos, high-rise, overlooking the golf course in Aylmer East Aylmer Brigil
Highgate Singles and Bungalows on large lots in Carleton Place Carleton Place Bulat
Jardins McConnell Low-rise Condos in Aylmer Aylmer Brigil
Kanata Lakes Singles and Townhomes, ENERGY STAR Certified, in Kanata West Urbandale  HN
Kanata Lakes Condos Condos, low-rise, downtown in Kanata North-West North-West Brigil
Kinver Private Small enclave of executive Townhomes on parkland West Uniform
Le Columbia Condos, high-rise, in Hull Hull Brigil
Leitrim Flats Modern, low-rise Condos in Leitrim South Urbandale
Lilythorne Singles, Bungalows and Townhomes in Leitrim South Claridge
Locale Stacked Townhomes in Orleans East Mattamy
Mahogany Singles in Manotick Manotick Minto
Mapleton Townhomes in Kanata West West Richcraft
McEwen's Mill Large Singles and Bungalows on clear or wooded estate lots near Carleton Place Carleton Place BLD Homes
Merrickville Grove Luxury Townhomes and Bungalow Townhomes in village of Merrickville South-West Parkview
Moon Condos, high-rise, downtown, with doorstep access to Lyon Station Central Claridge
Northwoods Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Mattamy
Oxford Village Singles, Bungalows and Townhomes in Kemptville Kemptville Mattamy
Parkside at Arcadia Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Minto
Pathways at Findlay Creek Bungalows, Semis, Singles and Condos near Leitrim South eQ Homes
Petries Landing Condos, high-rise, with river views in Orleans East Brigil
Petries Landing II Condos, low-rise, with river views in Orleans East Brigil
Place Saint Thomas Singles and Bungalows near the village of Embrun South-East Valecraft
Plateau du Parc Singles and Condos near the Gatineau Park in Hull Hull Brigil
Promenade Townhomes in Barrhaven West Mattamy
Provence Bungalow Singles, Two-Story Singles and Townhomes in Orleans East eQ Homes
Quinn Farm Singles and Bungalows on large lots near the village of Greely South Bulat
Quinns Pointe Singles and Townhomes in New Barrhaven South-West Minto
Richmond Gate Singles and Bungalows in the village of Richmond Richmond Talos
Richmond Meadows Singles and Townhomes in Richmond Richmond Mattamy
Riverside South Singles and Townhomes in Riverside South South Urbandale
Royale Condos, high-rise, downtown, in the Byward Market Central Claridge
Russell Trails Singles and Bungalows on large lots in Russell South-East Tartan
SoHo Italia Condos, high-rise, with a view over Little Italy and Dows Lake Central Mastercraft
Spring Valley Trails Semis, Singles and Townhomes in Navan East Claridge
Sundance Singles and Townhomes in Leitrim South Claridge
The Bowery Condos, high-rise, downtown Central Richcraft
The Charlotte Condos, medium-rise, downtown Central Richcraft
The Commons Singles and Townhomes near Old Orleans East Glenview
The Creek Singles, Townhomes and Bungalows, ENERGY STAR Certified, near Kemptville Kemptville Urbandale
The Dale Condos, high-rise, at Tunneys Pasture Central Brigil
The Meadows Singles and Townhomes south of Barrhaven South-West Tamarack
The Spencer Spacious boutique condos, medium-rise, with river views downtown in Old Ottawa East Central eQ Homes
Trail View Townhomes and Singles between Kanata and Stittsville West Metric
Trails Edge Singles and Townhomes in Orleans East Richcraft
Wateridge Village Stacked Townhomes in Rockcliffe on lands of former Canadian Forces Base Central Mattamy
Watter's Pointe Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Claridge
Westwood Singles, Bungalows and Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Claridge

Upcoming Communities ( 19 )

Community Type Area Map Crime Builder
Anthem Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Minto
Catherine Street Condos, high-rise, downtown Central Brigil
Copperwood Estate Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Uniform
Copperwood Estates Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Claridge
Jardins Limoges Singles, Bungalows and Condos in Limoges Limoges Brigil
Maple Creek Estates Singles near Manotick Manotick Uniform
March Road Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Brigil
McNeely Landing Singles and Townhomes in Carleton Place Carleton Place Uniform
Morris Village Singles in Rockland East Cardel
Northridge Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Valecraft
Richardson Ridge Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Cardel
Russel Ridge Estates Singles and Bungalows in village of Marionville South-East Parkview
Shadow Ridge Singles and Bungalows on estate lots near Greely South Phoenix
Shea Village Singles, bungalows and Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Valecraft
Stewart Village Singles and Townhomes surrounded by nature in Rockland East Brigil
Tapestry An exclusive, new bungalow community in Riverside South South eQ Homes
The Conservancy Singles near Old Barrhaven South-West Caivan
Traditions II Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North Stittsville Mattamy
Union West Singles and Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Glenview

Sold-out or Canceled Communities ( 234 )

Community Type Area Map Crime Builder
101 Richmond Road Condos, high-rise, in Westboro Central Ashcroft
111 West Condos, high-rise, in Westboro West Ashcroft
132 Stanley Avenue 3-Level Urban Brownstone Townhomes Central Larco
360 Condos Condos, low-rise, near NRC East Mattamy
6 Grove Central Campanale
700 Sussex Central Claridge
Abbottsville Crossing Singles and Townhomes in Kanata South South-West Mattamy
Accolade Townhomes in Nepean West Larco
Allora Condos Condos in an exclusive modern enclave with ravine setting in Riverside South South Urbandale
Alta Vista Estates Central Claridge
Alta Vista Mews Central Claridge
Ampersand Condo Apartments in Barrhaven South-West Minto
Avenues of Westboro West Uniform
Aviation Private Terrace Homes and Townhomes in Ottawa East East Valecraft
Barrhaven Mews South-West Mattamy
Baycrest Gardens Terrace Home Condos - Walkley/Heron Rd Central Richcraft
Beacon Place East Phoenix
Beechwood Condos, medium-rise, in New Edinburgh Central Minto
Belleview East Minto
Bergeron Terrace Terrace Homes in Old Orleans East Domicile
Blackstone South Stacked Townhomes near Stittsville West Mattamy
Blais Semis, Townhomes and low-rise Condos in Gatineau Gatineau Brigil
Bradley Estates Singles, Townhomes and Bungalows near Blackburn Hamlet East Valecraft
Bradley Ridge Townhomes near Blackburn Hamlet East Bulat
Bradley Terrace Low-rise Condos near Blackburn Hamlet East Phoenix
Briar Ridge Townhomes in Kanata North-West Ashcroft
Bridlewood Singles, ENERGY STAR Certified, in Kanata South West Urbandale
Brookside Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Richcraft
Callaghan Court North-West Uniform
Camelot Estates East Tamarack
Canal East Townhomes in an Exclusive Enclave by the Rideau Canal Central eQ Homes
Canyon Walk Terrace Home Condos - Riverside South South Richcraft
Cardinal Trail Townhomes in Orleans East Valecraft
Carleton Crossing Singles, Semis, Townhomes and Condos in Carleton Place Carleton Place Brigil
Carsdale Court Central Uniform
Cathedral Hill Condos, high-rise, downtown overlooking the Ottawa River Central Windmill
Central Modern, loft-style Condos near Elgin Street Central Tamarack
Central Park Singles in West/Central West Ashcroft
Centro West Minto
Chaperal Townhomes near Blackburn Hamlet East Tamarack
Chapman Mills Terrace Homes in Barrhaven South-West Minto
Chateau Golf Mixed golfing community and Condos in Aylmer East Aylmer Brigil
Chorus Condos, high-rise, downtown near Central Experimental Farm West Ashcroft
Claridge Plaza 1 Condo apartments in the Market Central Claridge
Claridge Plaza 2 Condo apartments in the Market Central Claridge
Claridge Plaza 3 Condo apartments in the Market Central Claridge
Claridge Plaza 4 Condos, high-rise, in the Market Central Claridge
Claridge Point South-West Claridge
Coachman Estates Stittsville Holitzner
Condos du Plateau Condos, low-rise, in Hull Hull Brigil
Connections Singles and Townhomes near Stittsville West Mattamy
Country Walk Bungalow Townhomes for adults in the heart of Kemptville Kemptville Urbandale
Creme Condo bungalows, lofts and flats near Orleans East Domicile
Crown of Stonebridge Singles and Townhomes near Barrhaven South-West Mattamy
Daly Square Condos, medium-rise, downtown in Sandy Hill Central Phoenix
Deer Run Singles & Bungalows on large lots in Stittsville Stittsville Richcraft
Deercroft Terrace Terrace Home Condos - Barrhaven South-West Richcraft
Deerfield Village Townhomes and low-rise condo flats in Ottawa South South Valecraft
Deerfield Village 1 South Valecraft
Domaine Lorrain Mixed Community & low-rise Condos in Gatineau Gatineau Brigil
Dwell Central Domicile
East Village East Richcraft
Echo Condos, low-rise, on the Rideau Canal Central Uniform
Echo Woods Stittsville Valecraft
Eden Park Single Family Homes & Townhomes East Richcraft
Edinburgh Common Condos and Townhomes in New Edinburgh Central Claridge
Emerald Meadows West Minto
Enclave Singles enclave in Orleans East Minto
Fairwinds West Singles and Townhomes in Kanata South West Mattamy
Fallingbrook East Phoenix
Faubourg 4 Saisons Low-rise Condos in Gatineau Gatineau Brigil
Felton Court Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Phoenix
Fernbank Bungalows, Singles and Executive Townhomes in Kanata North West Richcraft
Fernbank Crossing Bungalow Semis & Bungalow Singles on 42 & 50ft lots in Stittsville Stittsville eQ Homes
Fieldstone Singles, Townhomes and Terrace Home Condos in Barrhaven South-West Richcraft
Foxwood West-coast Inspired low-rise Condos in Kanata North North-West eQ Homes
Foxwood in Fernbank West-coast Inspired low-rise Condos in Kanata North West eQ Homes
Fraser Fields Low-rise Condos in Barrhaven South-West Tartan
Fusion Condos, high-rise, downtown at Lebreton Flats Central Claridge
g Central Domicile
Galleria 2 Condos, high-rise, downtown near the Byward Market Central Richcraft
Glebe Court Condo Lofts in The Glebe Central Ashcroft
Granite Court West Tamarack
Harmony Singles and Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Minto
Havencourt Semis and Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Tartan
Havencrest Singles, Semis and Bungalows in Barrhaven South-West Tartan
Heritage Hills Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North-West North-West Phoenix
Hidden Lake Singles & Bungalows on large lots in Carp Carp Holitzner
Highbury Park South-West Campanale
Hillside Vista Condos Condos, low-rise, in Orleans East Phoenix
Hillside Vista Towns Townhomes in Orleans East Phoenix
Hintonburg Condos, high-rise, downtown, in the heart of Hintonburg Central Claridge
hom Condos near Little Italy and Dows Lake Central Domicile
Hudson Park 1 Central Charlesfort
Hudson Park 2 Luxury Condos downtown Central Charlesfort
Hunt Club Central Monarch
Hunt Club Enclave Central Richcraft
Hunt Club Flats Condos, low-rise, in South Central Central Claridge
Hunt Club Gate Singles and Townhomes in South Central Central Claridge
Jack Pine Townhomes near Bells Corners West Phoenix
Jackson Trails Singles and Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Tartan
Jade Flats Barrhaven Terrace Home Condos - Barrhaven South-West Richcraft
Jade Flats Riverside Terrace Home Condos in Riverside South South Richcraft
Jazz Condos Condos, Modern low-rise Jazz Condos near the Rideau River South Urbandale
Kanata Estates North-West Cardel
Kanata North Singles and Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Minto
Keel Low-rise Condos at Crystal Beach across from the Ottawa River West Cardel
Kings Grant Singles in the village of Richmond Richmond Cardel
Kings Pointe Private Executive town homes in Orleans East Claridge
Kinwick Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Mattamy
Kitsilano Court Small Enclave of Singles in established neighborhood West Uniform
Kizell Pond North-West Richcraft
Klondike Crossing Mixed Community in Kanata North North-West Minto
L Enclave Montfort East Domicile
La Croisee Singles, Semis and Bungalows near Aylmer Aylmer Richcraft
La Tiffani Condo apartments in New Edinburgh Central Claridge
Le Plateau Townhomes and low-rise Condos in Hull West Hull Junic
LeBreton Flats 1 Condo apartments downtown Central Claridge
LeBreton Flats 2 Condo apartments downtown Central Claridge
Longfields Singles, Townhomes and Condo flats in Barrhaven South-West Campanale
Loreka Court Singles in Stittsville Stittsville Brigil
Lotus Court Central Phoenix
MacKay House Central Uniform
Manhattan Square West Ashcroft
Manors of Alta Vista Central Uniform
Maplevale South-East Lapointe
McCooeye Lane Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Larco
Merrion Square Central Domicile
Metropole West Minto
Millers Crossing Singles and Townhomes in Carleton Place Carleton Place Cardel
Monahan Landing Singles and Townhomes in Kanata South West Mattamy
Mondrian Central Tamarack
Morgans Creek Townhomes in Kanata North North-West Minto
Morgans Grant Singles in Kanata North North-West Minto
Mosaic Townhomes in Kanata North-West Holitzner
Norfolk Central Domicile
Notting Gate East Urbandale
Notting Hill Singles, Bungalows and Townhomes in Orleans East Richcraft
Notting Hill South Low-rise Condos in Orleans East Cardel
Nuovo Condos near Little Italy and Dows Lake Central Domicile
Oak Park Central Claridge
Oak Ridge Gate East Ashcroft
One Three One Medium-rise Condos in West-Central Central Domicile
Opus Luxury Condos downtown Central Ashcroft
Page Single Family Homes in Orleans East Richcraft
Pinecrest Enclave West Olympia
Pinnacle Central Claridge
Place Bordeaux East Phoenix
Place Champlain Medium-rise condos in Aylmer East Aylmer Brigil
Place des Gouverneurs Condos in the East End East Richcraft
Place des Peuples Condos, high-rise, in Hull across from the Museum of Civilization Hull Brigil
Plateau Symmes Singles, Semis, Townhomes & low-rise Condos in Aylmer North Aylmer Brigil
Pointewest Low-rise Condo apartments in Nepean West Phoenix
Poole Creek Village Singles and Townhomes in Kanata South West Tamarack
Potters Key Singles and Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Minto
Powers Enclave Stittsville Dharma
Prince of Wales Singles, custom built near Hogs Back Central Campanale
Q West Condos, high-rise, in Westboro Central Ashcroft
Quarry Glen Mixed Community in Orleans East Minto
Queensdale Village South Campanale
Rathwell Landing Singles, Bungalows and Townhomes in Stittsville Stittsville Valecraft
Rhythm Townhomes and Singles in West Orleans East Caivan
Richmond Mixed Community in Richmond Richmond Mattamy
Richmond Oaks Singles in the village of Richmond Richmond Cardel
Ridgewood Estates Singles, custom-built on large estate lots near Ashton West Cardel
River Court Lofts Low-Rise Condos near Rideau River in Old Ottawa East Central Domicile
River Ridge Singles & Bungalows in the town of Arnprior Arnprior Talos
Rivermead Singles and Bungalows in Aylmer North Aylmer Brigil
Riverwalk Bungalows and Attached Bungalows, including river-side lots, in Manotick South-West eQ Homes
Riverwood Estates Singles and Bungalows in Arnprior Arnprior Campanale
Royal Ridge Singles and Townhomes in Orleans East Claridge
Second Avenue West Low-Rise Condos near Dows Lake & the Glebe Central Domicile
Smart House Condos, medium-rise, downtown on Bank near Queensway Central Tamarack
SoHo Champagne Condos, high-rise, with a view over Little Italy and Dows Lake Central Mastercraft
SoHo Lisgar Condos, high-rise, downtown Central Mastercraft
SoHo Parkway Highrise condos at Tunneys Pasture Central Mastercraft
Solera Singles and Semis in South Central Central Larco
Spectra East Minto
Spring Ridge East Richcraft
St Georges Yard Central Uniform
Steacie Drive Condos in Kanata North North-West Brigil
Stirling Park Condos, high-rise, in the near West End West Claridge
Stonebridge Singles and Townhomes in a golfing community South-West Mattamy
Stonehenge Park Townhomes in the East end East Campanale
Stonewater Bay Riverfront Singles, Bungalows & Townhomes in Carleton Place Carleton Place Cardel
Stonework Lofts Condo Lofts in Westboro West Phoenix
Strandherd Meadows Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Richcraft
Summerhill Village Singles and Townhomes in the deep South South Claridge
Summerside South Singles and Townhomes in Orleans South East Mattamy
Summerside West Singles and Townhomes in Orleans South East Mattamy
Sussex Square Central Claridge
Terra Glade West Domicile
The Astoria Luxury Retirement Condos - West/Central West Ashcroft
The Brownstones Condos, mediun-rise, in the East End East Richcraft
The Constellation West Richcraft
The Continental Highrise Condos near Westboro & the river West Charlesfort
The Corners Condos, low-rise, in Old Ottawa East between the Rideau Canal & River Central Domicile
The Crystelle West Claridge
The Gardens Central Charlesfort
The Kavanaugh Condos, low-rise, in Vanier Central Domicile
The Landing Singles & Bungalows - large lots - Riverside South South Richcraft
The Merit Condos, high-rise, downtown near City Hall Central Charlesfort
The Orchard Singles near Jockvale South-West Uniform
The Piccadilly Central Domicile
The Promenade Luxury Retirement Condos in Orleans East Ashcroft
The Pullman Condos, 18-unit, three-storey luxury walk-ups, Centretown Central Charlesfort
The Radcliffe Condos near Little Italy and Dows Lake Central Domicile
The Ravines Luxury Retirement Condos - West/Central West Ashcroft
The Villas South Tamarack
Traditions Singles in Stittsville Stittsville Monarch
Trailwest Townhomes in Kanata South West Valecraft
Tribeca Condo High Rise, downtown Central Claridge
Tribeca East Condos, high-rise, downtown Central Claridge
Tribeca Lofts Condo Lofts, downtown Central Claridge
Upcountry Singles in Stittsville Stittsville Ashcroft
UpperWest Condos, high-rise, in Westboro with river views West Minto
Vieux Moulins Condos, low-rise, in Aylmer North Aylmer Chabitat
Vieux Verger Singles and Semis in Aylmer North Aylmer Chabitat
Village Gardens South-East Valecraft
Village Gate East Brigil
Village Green North-West Urbandale
Village Walk Small Enclave of Modern Bungalow Townhomes located in Carp Carp eQ Homes
Water Street Condos, low-rise, near Lowertown Central Claridge
Wellington Condos, low-rise, in Hintonburg Central Tamarack
West Pointe Village Singles and Townhomes in Barrhaven South-West Claridge
Westhaven Townhomes near Stittsville Stittsville Bulat
Westhaven Gate Private Community of Singles in Arnprior Arnprior Phoenix
White Tail Ridge Singles and Bungalows on estate lots near Almonte Almonte Phoenix
Winding Way South-West Minto
Woodroffe Estates Mixed Community in Barrhaven South-West Richcraft
Woodroffe Lofts Condos, low-rise, in Barrhaven South-West Valecraft
Woodroffe Walk West Campanale
Woodside Stittsville Holitzner
Zibi Condos, high-rise, and Townhomes downtown on the Ottawa River Central Windmill
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